
2024 - 10 - 15

How Brazilian Gold Gave Portugal a Golden Age... and Then Turned to Rust!

18th century - Brazilian gold - economic decline - Portuguese economy - Portuguese history - resource curse

Did you know that Brazilian gold was a blessing and a curse for Portugal? Let's explore this shiny tale from history!

In the 18th century, Portugal experienced a remarkable surge in wealth, thanks to the discovery of gold in Brazil. This newfound treasure flowed back to the Iberian nation, leading to an unprecedented boom. As Portuguese metals flooded the markets, the country soared in international prestige. Streets sparkled with gold, and the Portuguese Crown reveled in opulence. However, all that glitters is not gold. Economically, this gold rush started a chain reaction that would eventually lead to Portugal’s decline.

The concept of the 'resource curse' comes into play when we analyze this historical phenomenon. While Brazil's gold riches were a boon for Portugal, they also created a sense of complacency. The Portuguese economy became overly dependent on the influx of gold, undermining the development of other sectors. Manufacturing and agriculture were neglected as the crown focused resources on managing wealth rather than investing it wisely. Instead of laying the groundwork for sustainable growth, Portugal became entrapped in a cycle of boom and bust, setting the stage for economic decline.

As the gold flowed into Portuguese coffers, the country also experienced a cultural shift. The wealth enabled the elite to indulge in lavish lifestyles, while the working classes often struggled to make ends meet. This stark disparity led to social unrest and discontent. Ultimately, the gold that brought luxury also deepened divisions, further destabilizing the nation. The wealth had turned from a blessing to a distraction, blinding Portugal to the changes taking place in the global economic landscape.

By the early 19th century, the Brazilian gold deposits were depleted, and the financial bubble burst. Portugal faced a harsh reality check, as the economy teetered on the brink of collapse. What was once a powerhouse of wealth had to contend with the consequences of its own decisions. As the country sought to rebound from its losses, it became evident that the shortsightedness of relying solely on this resource had cost them dearly.

In the grand tapestry of history, the paradox of Brazilian gold looms large over Portugal. An interesting fact that stands out is that the discovery of Brazilian gold controlled the Art and culture of the time, leading to the creation of beautiful Baroque architecture that can still be admired today in cities like Lisbon. Another intriguing detail is that the Portuguese monarchy, blinded by this wealth, often ignored calls for reforms that could have diversified the economy—proving that sometimes, too much glitter can indeed lead to ruin.

The cross of gold: Brazilian treasure and the decline of Portugal (voxeu.org)

This column explores the resource curse as an explanation for the Portuguese decline. The influx of Brazilian gold in the 18th century shifted production ...

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