Kano State

2024 - 6 - 25

Kano State Government Commits N600m to Developmental Projects and Pledges Transparency

corruption in public management - development projects - Governor Abba Yusuf - Kano State government - transparency and accountability

Kano State government allocates N600 million for new projects and emphasizes transparency in project implementation. Governor urges donor agencies to report any irregularities. Zero-tolerance declared towards corruption in public management in Kano State.

In a significant move, the Kano State government has approved the disbursement of over N600 million for the initiation of new developmental projects. This allocation showcases the government's dedication to enhancing infrastructure and services for the people of Kano. Governor Abba Yusuf has reiterated the importance of transparency in project execution, urging donor agencies to highlight any breaches or anomalies observed during the implementation process. This commitment to openness and accountability reflects the government's efforts to ensure effective utilization of resources and maintain public trust.

Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State has emphasized the need for donor agencies to play an active role in monitoring project implementation. By encouraging reporting of irregularities, the government aims to uphold the highest standards of integrity and governance. Additionally, the administration under Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf has declared a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption in the management of public affairs. This firm stance exemplifies the government's determination to root out any unethical practices and promote ethical conduct in public service.

Did you know that the Kano State government's renewed transparency pledge aligns with global standards for accountable governance? This commitment sets a benchmark for other states to prioritize integrity in project management and resource allocation. Furthermore, Kano's emphasis on zero-tolerance towards corruption underscores the state's effort to uphold ethical values and ensure efficient utilization of public funds.

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Image courtesy of "The Punch"

Kano okays N600m for projects, renews transparency pledge (The Punch)

The Kano State government, on Tuesday, remitted over N600 million for the execution of new developmental projects.

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Image courtesy of "SolaceBase"

Kano govt urges donor agencies to report breaches in project ... (SolaceBase)

Gov. Abba Yusuf of Kano State has called on donor agencies to report any breaches or anomalies in the implementation of projects in the state.

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Image courtesy of "SolaceBase"

Kano govt urges donor agencies to report breaches in project ... (SolaceBase)

Gov. Abba Yusuf of Kano State has called on donor agencies to report any breaches or anomalies in the implementation of projects in the state.

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Image courtesy of "Businessday.ng"

Kano declares zero-tolerance to corruption in management of public ... (Businessday.ng)

The administration of Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf in Kano state has expressed its commitment to transparency and accountability.

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