Valentine gift

2023 - 2 - 14

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Image courtesy of "The Atlantic"

The Best Literary Valentine's Day Gift (The Atlantic)

The best gift you can give your Valentine is sharing a romantic poem. By Arthur C. Brooks. Illustration of two people reading a book together ...

And what if the object of your affection is a hot mess? [found]( that hearing ideas right before sleeping results in better recall than if they are heard during the day—so if you want your sweetheart to remember that your love is “ [like a red, red rose](,” the later you tell them that, the better. The perfect Valentine’s Day poem depends on the characteristics of your relationship. [showed]( in 2008, hand-holding can calm several stress-sensitive systems in the body. [intimate magic]( to being read to by someone you love, and scholars are starting to understand why. Put together all the science, and you’ll arrive at the perfect Valentine’s Day gift: Read your partner poetry of love while holding their hand, until they fall asleep. [How to Build a Life](” is a column by Arthur Brooks, tackling questions of meaning and happiness. Now you are more likely to see a couple silently reading two copies of the same newspaper across the breakfast table from each other than one reading to the other. For example, researchers in Israel played a tone to sleepers while releasing a particular smell, and [found]( that the participants still expected the smell when the tone sounded during their waking hours. For a truly personal touch—something you won’t find on any shelf—reading poetry to your beloved can turn a tired holiday into a bespoke performance of your affection. To paraphrase [Elizabeth Barrett Browning](, [the problems with gift-giving]( quite like Valentine’s Day.

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